
Laundry just got easier. Everything you need for a powerful clean, in a simple app

We obsess over every detail throughout the cleaning process because, as you know, cleaning your clothes is an art — not a science.

My Role:

Design an intuitive laundry app and the back-end dashboard companion that allows users to purchases individual items or a mixture of items from a stationary kiosk.

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Screen Designs


Research hours


Design Hours


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Wash and Repeat Made Easy

Find a Kiosk

Sudder® Mobile allows users to locate a Sudder® Kiosk dispenser within a given radius or user location.  Users are able to order laundry products from a specific kiosk location via the Sudder® Mobile application.

Easy Ordering

Make Your Selections

Users may select up to two items from a listing of most popular detergent and fabric softener brands.

Seemless Checkout

Create Your Mixx

The checkout page allows users select the volume (small, medium, or large) and modify or remove items on the current order.

Order Recall

Save Your Order

The order verification page allows users customize and save their current order for re-ordering at a later time.

Look and Feel

Colors and Typography

Calm, Clean and Efficient

Minimal color palette and design components are combined with subtle micro interaction to convey a sense of harmony and effortless flow for the user.

User Flow

Putting It All Together

Sudder® provides a simple and intuitive journey that allows users to find nearby kiosk dispensers, recall previous orders, or create a new order from the kiosk products, and complete the checkout process in one seamless flow.


Starting out on this project I had the opportunity to do real world research. I visited a variety of kiosk to get a real feel for the potential of what a laundry kiosk experience could feel like. It was great diving into the behavior of the potential user then creating and experimenting with a product that created those same feelings and emotions!. I learned a great deal about user behaviors and look forward to learn lots more.